About Us
Dr. David Lake and Steve Wells are internationally recognized as innovative leaders and skilled practitioners in the new field of Energy Psychology.
Dr David Lake is a medical practitioner and psychotherapist in private practice in Sydney, Australia. Steve Wells is a leadership coach and peak performance consultant from Perth, Western Australia.
David and Steve have been using Energy Techniques since 1997 and have developed their own unique integrative energy approaches Provocative Energy Techniques (PET) and Advanced Energy Methods (AEM), as well as the simple, user-friendly tapping approach Simple Energy Techniques (SET). Steve Wells has also recently developed Intention Tapping, also known as Intention-based Energy Process (IEP). Together they have helped thousands of people through their worldwide seminars, workshops, online trainings, and publications.

More About Steve Wells

Steve Wells is an international leadership coach and peak performance consultant based in Perth, Western Australia. Steve regularly teaches and consults worldwide with elite athletes and corporate personnel to improve their performance and enhance the performance of their teams. He also conducts personal development seminars and professional training workshops worldwide and has helped many thousands of people to achieve their goals and live their values through his programs.
Along with advanced training in EFT with Gary Craig, and several other energy therapies, Steve trained to the highest level in provocative therapy with Frank Farrelly, and has been training counsellors and therapists for over 30 years .
He also has extensive training and experience in brief strategic therapy. Together with Dr. David Lake he developed Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and the unique advanced Energy-based approach Provocative Energy Techniques (PET). He has also recently developed Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) also known as Intention Tapping. Steve was one of the first to apply Energy techniques to performance enhancement work with elite athletes and to take Energy Techniques into the corporate environment.
Steve holds a Masters Degree in Psychology from Curtin University and post-graduate qualifications in Education. He has experience in management and team leadership at a range of levels, and has worked as psychologist in charge of two centres for children with severe social, emotional and behavioural problems in the WA Education Department. His training and development business has been in operation since 1996. See stevewells.com.au for Steve’s corporate programs for business leaders.
Steve is an accomplished professional speaker, and in 2002 attained the Certified Speaking Professional award the highest international accreditation available to speakers from the International Federation of Professional Speakers, an award held by only about 550 speakers worldwide. He was awarded 2004 Professional Speaker of the Year Award by the WA Branch of the National Speakers Association of Australia. Steve is author of 100% YES! The Energy of Success. He is also co-author with Dr David Lake of Enjoy Emotional Freedom, PET: The Manual, and New Energy Therapies, and is also co-author, with Jo Wiese, of the children’s book on EFT, Rose and the Night Monsters.
Teaching Seminars
Steve Wells regularly conducts workshops and seminars on SET/EFT and PET throughout Australia, Europe, UK, and USA (and other countries on request), for professionals and members of the public.
More About Dr. David Lake:

Dr. David Lake worked as a medical practitioner in private practice since 1977. He currently offers part-time counselling and psychotherapy from his practice in the northern beaches of Sydney. For many years he travelled the globe teaching seminars together with Steve Wells on Advanced EFT, SET and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET).
Dr. Lake completed 17 years of medical hypnosis, and 4 years of Analytic Psychotherapy supervision, as well as comprehensive training in Provocative Therapy, both within Australia and overseas. He is trained in level 1 & 2 EMD/R and used this technique successfully for over 6 years.
David attained advanced training in EFT with Gary Craig, and in BSFF with Larry Nims. Together with Steve Wells he developed Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET).
Dr Lake has significant experience in treating trauma, and has also extensively explored the use of Energy Techniques in relationship issues. He is the bestselling author of Strategies for Stress and She’ll Be Right-When Men Aren’t Getting It, and co-author with Steve Wells of New Energy Therapies, Enjoy Emotional Freedom and PET: The Manual.
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