What is SET?
Simple Energy Techniques (SET) is a collection of simple and user- friendly energy techniques, which can provide significant relief for a wide range of emotional problems, and some physical problems. Although the techniques are simple to use, the results of using them can be quite profound.
SET was developed by Australian Energy Psychology pioneers Steve Wells, Psychologist, and Dr. David Lake, medical practitioner and psychotherapist. Many of the techniques and strategies used in SET are adapted and modified from Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Thought Field Therapy (tm) (TFT), and other energy psychology approaches, although SET also has several elements that make it uniquely different from those approaches.
View this short video for an overview of Simple Energy Techniques
In this video, Steve Wells is interviewed by Rachel Green on Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and provides a brief demonstration and overview of the SET process.
How it works
The main component of SET is a simple process of stimulating energy meridian points on the body for emotional and physical relief. Typically this involves tapping on the points, although rubbing, applying slight pressure, or simply touching and gently holding the points can also be used.
We also encourage and teach a form of continual tapping for "energy toning" or "emotional fitness". This continual tapping is the cornerstone of SET and the main element that makes it different to EFT and TFT.
Additionally, SET almost never uses set-up or reminder statements as does EFT tapping. Instead, we encourage you to focus on your problem or tune into it in your own way. It is even possible to get relief on many problems without needing to be specific.
Free Special Report on SET:
You can download a complimentary special report by Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake which outlines the main techniques and processes of SET. Simply click on the following link:
Simple Energy Techniques Special Report
Note: This is a pdf file and you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it, available as a free download from www.adobe.com
Free SET Audio
Download a free audio of Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake talking about Simple Energy Techniques (SET) - What it is, how to use it, and how to integrate SET into your daily life.
Download the mp3 audio file here
SET for Life Video Series:
This series of 5 short videos was created to show you how to use SET to improve your life. It is completely free. Access it here
Live Workshops and Online Programs
For more information about various training programs where you can learn more about how to use SET to change your life click here