If you are a newcomer to the “Tapping techniques” EFT & SET and you want to start getting results as soon as possible, here are a few suggestions to help you to accelerate your learning.
Learn the basics of tapping using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and our simpler version of tapping Simple Energy Techniques (SET)
(I) Begin by reading these articles: What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?, and what is Simple Energy Techniques?.
Watch this short (5 minute) video showing Steve Wells discussing and demonstrating the basics of EFT and SET tapping.
You will find an entire 5-part set for life series of short videos on how to use the simple tapping techniques Here
Give the process of tapping a first try and notice how you feel. Most people notice a relaxation effect within the first few minutes of doing the tapping.
Read some of the free articles on this website
In particular, see the article on Enhancing Your Results With SET And EFT“, which gives you a better understanding of how to apply EFT And SET to resolve emotional issues and problems.
Also see Steve Wells article on “Seeking Complete Freedom” for a glimpse of what is possible when we push these techniques to the boundaries of what is possible for us.
You will also find other interesting and informative articles on the Main Articles Page
Sign up for our EFT DownUnder newsletter
Every 1-2 weeks we send out a newsletter with interesting and helpful articles and lots of information on the latest ideas and directions in energy techniques.
When you sign up, you will receive two free ebooks including New Energy Therapies and Tapping Wisdom absolutely free.
To sign up, simply insert your details into the following subscription box and click "submit":
Try out SET/EFT on some of your own emotional or physical issues
Learn the tapping points “Off-By-Heart” by following the Basic instructions in our free special report on simple energy techniques (SET)
When focusing on a specific emotional problem, be prepared to give the techniques a decent try and to persist if necessary as some problems have many aspects.
Use the continual tapping technique throughout your day for energy toning. It will be worth the investment of time. Once you have the technique you have it for life.
Read books and watch DVD S where you can learn SET & EFT in more depth from home
Steve’s newest book 100% YES! The energy of success will show you how to use tapping to release the emotional barriers to your success, align all of your energies towards your highest values, and help you access the power to achieve your goals. You can get your copy from amazon or from our shop here
We recommend you consider our book Enjoy Emotional Freedom as a first step as it offers a very accessible and inexpensive introduction to the essentials of SET & EFT.
We also have video recordings of our live workshops, that will guide you step by step through learning how to apply SET tapping, as well as more advanced tapping techniques to emotional and physical issues. See workshop DVDs here and online video programs on our sister site here
To learn and experience SET/EFT in more depth we recommend you:
(A) Attend a live training; We provide introductory and advanced level workshops throughout Australia, Europe And USA – See details of our upcoming workshops at Events/Training
(B) Locate an experienced practitioner near you have them help you to apply the technique to some of your own issues and problems. We have a list of SET/EFT practitioners on this website – Find an energy practitioner
Do you have any questions?
Contact our office on +61 8 9271 9271 (international) or 08 9271 9271 (within Australia) or Email us