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Overcome Fear of Rejection Webinar Recordings

Step Up, Be Seen, and Share Your Gifts with the World

In these recordings from two live webinars Steve Wells shares and demonstrates how to use SET tapping and Intention-Based Energy Process (IEP) to free yourself from fear of rejection so that you can put yourself and your creations out into the world in relationships, career, and/or business. While the basic content of each webinar is identical, the coaching demonstrations are quite different so you may like to watch either, or both!

Note: Scroll down below the videos to download the slides used by Steve in the Webinars, and to access special time-limited offers on Steve's Self-Acceptance and Go for it programs

Recording of first webinar:

(Note: We had a few connection problems with this first webinar which made the sound scratchy at times and at one point we lost sound completely for around 30 seconds – but we got there in the end)


Recording of Second Webinar:

Download a pdf of the slides Steve used in the webinars from here


Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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