By Steve Wells
What is Body Energy Reading and Energy Matching?
Body Energy Reading and Energy Matching are advanced skills which can revolutionize your
practice and enhance all of your relationships. They are important sub-skills of what we
call Advanced Energy Methods (AEM), which includes ways of connecting with another person
on an energetic level and tailoring an energy intervention to help them.
Using these elegant tools you can get very deep rapport with clients, identify and get
to core issues very quickly, use energy interventions which "fit" and feel right for the
client, and help your clients to experience rapid and enduring changes.
In this article I want to demystify the processes of Body Energy Reading and Energy
Matching and give you some examples of how they can be applied to enhance your energy
healing practice.
Body Energy Reading is a process of using all your senses to observe other people
closely and noticing in particular when their emotions and energy shift. Through this
process it is possible to identify, often before the client is even aware, where energy
blocks are occurring and how they are manifesting in the body of this person.
Through this kind of skilful observation you can gain information about how to tailor both
your communication and your energy interventions for maximum effectiveness with each new
person. And you have the best way of evaluating your effectiveness: when energy shifts it
is reflected in bodily shifts that are often easily observable.
When you pay a lot of attention to people they show you and tell you what is wrong for
them in many different and sometimes unique ways and if you are "connected" you can pick
this up not only in what you see and hear but also in your own body feelings in terms of
tactile sensations, emotional states, energy level, type and magnitude. This is something
you can learn to feel directly.
Is this sounding a little complex?
It isn't really and it is something anyone can learn to do simply by paying a bit more
attention to other people. In my upcoming workshops I've developed some simple ways to
help you learn to pay attention to the important indicators and I will also be
demonstrating how to do this, which will make things easier for those of you who attend
to "come to your senses" (including learning to use your 6th sense).
Energy Matching is a process of matching other people's communication and energy with
your own communication and energy and using that information to tailor an intervention
that is maximally effective for that person's problem, representation, energy type and
energy magnitude. By learning a range of ways of intervening on the level that the
client is most strongly representing, expressing or most strongly aware of their problem,
you can tailor your energy intervention to suit them.
The benefits of this approach are:
• You can identify a core issue, see how and where it is affecting the client and know
how to best intervene to help them release it, often within the first 2-3 minutes of
meeting them
• You'll have a framework to follow in selecting the best energy treatments for each
person you work with based on a range of factors (energy level and magnitude, body
location, preferred communication mode, energetic style of the person, among other
• You'll learn how to use your own energy, self and experiences as some of the most
powerful agencies for change
In my coming workshops I will teach at least 10 different ways of shifting energy and
emotion beyond just tapping on energy points! And I'll also demonstrate how these
approaches can be combined with tapping to enhance your results.
But it all starts just with good observation, and being open on as many sensory levels
as possible (as well as reading the energy, which could be considered a 6th sense) and
then simply utilising this in your intervention approach:
Let's look at some simple examples involving tapping:
Juliet starts to talk to you about her problem and as she does so she moves her hands
around in front of her diaphragm. You point this out and ask what she notices there and
she suddenly becomes aware of a tight feeling in her diaphragm. You ask her to simply
add tapping to that awareness and the tight feeling instantly starts to lift.
Josephine is discussing her challenges at work. As she starts to talk about how she
feels intimidated by her boss, you notice she becomes a little breathless. You observe
that her breathing is shallow and in the top of her chest. As you ask her put her
attention in this area and to apply tapping to the constriction she starts to breathe
more deeply and her face starts to brighten. She later reports feeling more confident
around her boss.
Jane is discussing a problem of feeling controlled by her mother. She suddenly looks
over to her left and immediately breaks into tears. You ask her to look over to that
same spot and tell you what she sees and she suddenly accesses a memory from age 5 of
being scolded for taking the last cupcake. Tapping on this specific event and its
associated thoughts and feelings leads her to feeling strong and in control around
her mother for the first time in years.
Jenny starts to talk about her problems with her kids and suddenly you notice you are
inexplicably feeling tired! You look closely at Jenny and notice that her shoulders
have slumped and ask how she is feeling. Surprise, surprise she is feeling exhausted!
As she begins to tap with that awareness, she starts to breathe more deeply, and sit
more upright. You feel your own energy start to return too.
None of the above is very complex and many of you will already be doing this. The
challenge is to be open on more than one level so that you are noticing the visual,
auditory, kinesthetic and energetic shifts that occur (in the other person and in you)
as people access their problems and also as they start to process them via the
If you notice how the problem is being both represented and expressed, then you can
tailor your communication and your treatment to that person and their problem. Also,
you can then notice later whether these things have shifted as a way of evaluating
the effectiveness of your treatment. Sure they may say they are better, but is there
congruency on all levels when they do this?
Even if you are simply using tapping - and this is not the only way to shift energy or
even the best way in some cases - how you tailor your intervention to the person and
their problem is crucial. The worst thing you want to do is assume that "one size fits
Tailoring Your Treatment to the Person
Let's look at some examples of tailoring the energy intervention to the person. In these
examples each person seems to have the same presenting problem (throat feeling) but each
requires a different intervention:
Jayden is telling you about his money problems and when he does so you ask him what he
is aware of in his body. He becomes aware of a feeling in his throat. He says it is like
being strangled. You notice the way his voice shifts when he says the word "strangled"
and see that a tear has come into his eye. So you have him tap on "being strangled". Just
the words are enough and he instantly starts to feel better. When he focuses on his money
issues he is suddenly able to see new possibilities.
Jarrad has a throat feeling too whenever he focuses on a coming job interview. You ask
him to describe its location, size, shape and colour. He does so easily (round, tennis
ball, front of throat, black). You ask him to focus on the round black lump at the front
of his throat and start tapping and notice how it changes and he is surprised how it
moves through several colours, shapes, and locations and each time it does so the feeling
shifts until ultimately it is completely gone and replaced by a feeling of excitement. He
sends you an email 2 days later to tell you he got the job and (unheard of) really
enjoyed himself in the interview.
Joanne has a throat feeling too when explaining her business challenges. You ask her to
put her attention on the feeling and simply notice what it is like and she says it feels
tight. You ask her to pay attention to the tightness and just observe what it does as she
taps. She says it starts to get tighter and you ask her if she can tap and allow it to do
so. As she does this the tightness increases a little more, then starts to ease, then
disappears. A week later she has completed several business tasks she'd been putting off.
Jim has a throat feeling. You ask him to put his attention on the feeling and tell you
the first image that comes into his mind. He says, surprised, "a house". You have him
focus on the house image and tap. As he does so, the image expands; you encourage him to
tap and allow it to continue to do so. The house image keeps expanding until it is really
large then suddenly Jim reports that it has started to contract. It keeps contracting
until eventually it has shrunk away completely. The feeling in Jim's throat has now
disappeared. When he speaks his voice is clear and strong.
Jemima has a throat feeling. You ask her where she has felt this problem before. She
accesses a memory of being pushed under the water by her brother in the bath at age four.
You have her tap whilst focusing on the intense parts of this memory. Progressively the
feeling subsides. Later she calls her brother for the first time in 10 years.
Jetta has a throat feeling when he thinks about a coming presentation. You ask him what
thought goes with that feeling and he says rapidly and anxiously, "I'm going to forget
what I have to say". You have him repeat that negative statement out loud and the anxiety
increases. Now you ask him to tap continually whilst repeating the same statement very
slowly, one word at a time, with an extended pause between each word, as he taps. Two
minutes later when you have him repeat the statement again as he thinks about doing the
presentation the throat feeling is not there. He is calm. He goes on to conduct a
brilliant presentation with no anxiety at all.
These are just 6 examples of different interventions, and there are dozens more,
including what you do with those clients who aren't even aware of what they are feeling.
The key is that the intervention is tailored to the person and how they are representing
and experiencing the problem. I haven't even said anything here about matching the
person's energy level and intensity when you interact with them. And then there is the
crucial unseen dimension of how you connect with them at a heart level.
In my upcoming workshops I'll be demonstrating these and many other energy interventions
and techniques and will show you how you can get more effective results by tailoring your
approach to each new person. I hope you can join us.
What do you think? I'd love to read your comments.