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Overcome Anxiety with Intention Tapping

Learn how to free yourself from the limiting effects of anxiety in this 4-part  program which will combine this powerful new energy approach with proven anxiety relief methods
Live 4-session online program presented by Steve Wells
Commencing November 2018

Have you been suffering from any of these effects of anxiety?

  • Do you worry excessively about what the future holds, including things that may never happen?
  • Do you get stressed over public presentations, performances, and/or exams?
  • Have you suffered panic attacks or anxiety attacks?
  • Do you suffer from fear of being judged, misunderstood or even rejected?
  • Has your anxiety been holding you back from taking important steps forward in your life or career?
If you answered YES to any of these questions this new program may be for you.

You'll learn Intention Tapping & How to Combine it with Proven Anxiety Relief Techniques to:

- Release the emotional attachments behind your anxiety and restore your mind and body to calm and clarity
- Learn how to manage and ultimately overcome anxiety affecting your performance and free yourself to perform
- Free yourself from negative, worrisome thoughts that have been hindering your progress and wrecking your quality of life
- Release whatever has been holding you back and access the confidence and power to achieve your goals
- Turn avoidance into action and create positive shifts in your life, career, health, relationships, and performance

What is Intention Tapping?

Intention Tapping, also known as Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) is a simple yet powerful emotional healing process that combines specific definite intentions with tapping to provide rapid emotional relief. The intentions  act as commands to your unconscious mind to release the emotional attachments behind your problems, unblock body energy disturbances and restore your life energy to flow.
This gentle, natural process often results in positive shifts in thinking and feeling,  rapidly restores you to calm clarity, and empowers you to move forward with confidence.
“I’ve been sharing the IEP with my clients and the results are fantastic! Everyone has experienced a noticeable release of intensity with a subsequent insight afterwards. IEP adds a feeling of power for many who have felt like a victim of their emotions.”   – Andy Bryce, Founding EFT Master, UK

What we will Cover:

  • What anxiety really is and how it can be managed and overcome
  • The difference between fear and anxiety; how anxiety is normal but not necessary
  • Various levels & types of anxiety problems & how to manage them
  • How to combine tapping with Intention to release anxiety, worry, stress
  • How to combine tapping with other mind, body, and energy techniques to get better results
  • How to achieve inner peace and relax at last
Important Note: This program will focus mainly on the common types of anxiety most people experience, such as excessive worry, performance anxiety, anxiety over making decisions and anxiety over taking action in your life and career. While what we cover may also be helpful to those suffering from more complex anxiety conditions and anxiety disorders, if you experience these more severe conditions you are advised to work one to one with a skilled therapist / mental health professional for best results.

How the program will work:

In 4 x 60-minute live via zoom video teaching and coaching sessions  with Steve Wells, you will learn how to overcome your anxiety and regain your confidence using Intention Tapping . Through practical demonstrations and examples learn how to combine tapping (Simple Energy Techniques, SET) with specific "energy intentions" to release fear, anxiety, stress, worry, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.
You'll also learn how to use IEP to quickly restore your body energy to flow, bringing clarity, calm and inner peace. And you'll reconnect with your personal power and confidence to achieve your goals with less stress.
You will be able to ask questions and volunteer to be coached live by Steve, and gain "borrowed benefits" as others work with Steve. Laugh as you learn with a master teacher.
Join from anywhere in the world (two time options to suit different time zones) from the comfort of your own home - No need to travel!
You will also receive the recordings (technology willing) to review as many times as you like.

Your Presenter:

Steve Wells is an international leadership coach, author, and peak performance consultant based in Perth, Western Australia. He has a wealth of experience  in working with people from all walks of life to help them regain their passion for life and discover their true purpose.
Steve is co-creator (with Dr. David Lake) of Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET). He has also developed Intention-based Energy Process (IEP). He has helped many thousands of people through his worldwide programs.
Steve is the author of the bestseller 100% YES!® and co-author of 4 other books including Enjoy Emotional Freedom. His programs are always fun and inspiring and filled with practical, helpful techniques you can use immediately to improve your life.

Program Details and Registration:

Dates and Times:

Live sessions will be held at 9.00am or 4.00pm Perth Western Australia time (GMT + 8) on November 7, 14, 28 and December 5.
*** Note that the date & times will vary depending on your time zone. For example, 9am Perth sessions will be Tuesday evenings in USA at 5pm Pacific time and 8pm Eastern time.
Click on the links below (click on the time next to each date) to find the best time/date in your time zone:

Registration Fee: $299

Register securely with your credit card using the button below:


We’ll send access details within 48 hours to the email address you use to register.


Call within Australia on: 08 9271 9271
International callers: +61 8 9271 9271
Use this Contact form to contact us online
No refunds are available for this program
Participation is contingent on your taking full responsibility for your own mental, emotional and physical health. You also must acknowledge that some of the techniques Steve will be teaching and demonstrating on the calls are considered experimental with no guaranteed outcomes for any particular user. Just because results have been positive for many others does not mean they will be for you. You must therefore take responsibility for your use of any techniques taught or used in the program. This program does not automatically replace other methods of managing anxiety prescribed by a Doctor or psychiatrist, however, in most cases it can complement them well. If in doubt, participants are encouraged to discuss their use of the techniques with their health-care professionals.
You will be responsible for connecting with the live video calls. If a call doesn’t happen due to a problem on our end, another call will be scheduled at a future date at a similar time. Recordings are dependent on technology, and not guaranteed so you are recommended to attend the sessions live.