* MAD = Making a Difference.
Stop Dreaming and Make it Happen!
Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of self promotion, fear of success - these are the things that hold most people back from really going for it and taking massive action to build the business and life of their dreams.
Commencing July 3 or 4 depending on your location (Access from anywhere in the world - Full details below)
In this exciting new live online program based on his highly successful workshop, international leadership coach and peak performance expert Steve Wells will show you how to overcome your fears and grow your business using powerful new Energy Techniques combined with proven business growth strategies.
"The effects of this magical training are incredible : in just one week I have completely re-built my website (procrastination delay : 2 years), hired an assistant (procrastination delay: 1 year) and raised my prices by 50%." - Anne-Francoise Gailly, Coach & Therapist, Belgium
You'll Discover
The secrets to lasting success in business, and how to build a business that serves you and makes a positive difference in the world.
- How to break through your hidden emotional and belief barriers to success using tapping and new Peak Performance Energy Techniques. These techniques can help you to rapidly release your fears, gain clarity on your direction, and access your strengths.
"Without a doubt the BEST, most productive workshop I have ever been to and I have the results to prove it. Business has flowed beautifully since I've returned. Thank you."- Cheryl Trevers, Peak Performance Coach, Canada
No matter where you are in your business (starting out or looking to grow), this program will help you to take it to the next level.
This course will be especially valuable to small business owners and those who want to build or grow a business using tapping and other energy techniques.
Read on, Skip to program details or click the button below to register now:
If you want to build a successful business you need informat
ion on what to do AND you need to overcome your limiting ways of thinking about what is possible for you and your business.
In this live online program, Steve Wells will show you how.
In 7 x intensive 90-minute live and interactive online group video sessions with Steve Wells you'll cover the key areas of business outlined below and learn the information and skills you need to succeed.
Steve will focus on the specific emotional blocks and challenges raised by you and the other group members, and show you how to break through those barriers in each of the following areas:
What You'll Learn
√ How to set your business vision for success
√ How to get started, get moving, and take your business to the next level
√ Powerful steps to take to break through the hidden beliefs blocking your business success
√ How to create a successful business identity (this is crucial!)
√ Actionable tips and strategies to successfully market and sell your services
√ How to overcome fear of rejection and fear of self-promotion
√ Tapping to overcome financial fears so you can effectively manage your business finances
√ How to charge what your products and services are worth
√ The steps to stop procrastinating and get into action by changing how it feels to do so!
√ How to succeed in business and still have a life!
You'll leave with new techniques and strategies you can apply immediately to boost your business results!
"I'm excited by the possibilities and what I can now do for myself and for others...Thank you so much for bringing this meaningful and transformational training to us."
--- Shahar Bin Mohamed Ismail, Principal, H.O.P.E. Training and Consultancy, Singapore
What's different about this program?
Most traditional business programs give you information on what to do, but that information is useless if you don't also address your unconscious blocks - You won't act on the information if your nervous system rejects it.
Most EFT trainings teach you tapping but many EFT practitioners don't have a good understanding of business, so they don't give you the crucial strategies you need to succeed in running a business.
This program combines the power of Energy Techniques to break through your emotional and belief blocks with proven practical business success strategies to give you the best of both worlds!
See below for even more benefits.
“Enjoyable, practical and inspiring! I’m now well on the way to achieving goals that I never even thought of setting before I attended your course. Not only has the course helped me set some outstanding goals, it has given me practical strategies to achieve them that actually work!”
--- David Koutsoukis, Professional Speaker and Author.
You'll also learn and experience these powerful Energy Techniques:
Simple Energy Techniques (SET) tapping: You'll learn how to use this simple tapping approach to free yourself to create your own personal and business breakthroughs.
Intention-based Energy Process (IEP): This exciting new process uses specific intentions as commands to the subconscious mind to release negative beliefs, restore clarity, and get you back into the flow.
Provocative Energy Techniques (PET) which uses humour and powerful provocative change techniques to create transformational changes.
You'll be joining a group of like-minded people at a range of levels of business success (from beginning to established) for inspiration, mutual support, and borrowing benefits!
How the program will work (and more benefits):
You'll meet live with Steve Wells and the other group members via zoom video conference for 7 x 90-minute sessions.
In each session, Steve will present some actionable content for business growth with tips and techniques for overcoming your blocks to success. Next, he'll answer your questions and coach volunteers live to overcome emotional blocks related to that area of business success. You'll be able to volunteer to work with Steve and tap along to gain benefits when others are being coached.
You can attend this program from the comfort of your own home! You don't have to travel to attend a workshop and pay accommodation, transport, meals and other costs.
Since the program will span 4 months, you'll have an opportunity to try things out and get feedback on your results. With spaced repetition like this the learning is superior to one-off events. AND you'll have the support of a like-minded group of business builders to learn from, with the potential to create your own support networks outside the formal sessions if you desire.
Every session will be recorded, technology willing, (by participating you give permission to being recorded) so you can catch up on missed sessions and review each one as many times as you like. However, the real benefits will be gained from attending and tapping along and using the powerful techniques, live.
A private Facebook group will be set up for those in this program, allowing you to share your progress and get advice and support from Steve and the group along the way. This is where the real value of the program comes, as you'll have access to Steve's input and each other's support outside the formal sessions.
Skip ahead to program details
About the Presenter
Steve Wells is an internationally recognised leadership coach and peak performance consultant who specialises in helping you to overcome the hidden blocks to achieving your goals and getting better results. He regularly consults and presents worldwide with business achievers and elite athletes to improve their performance.
Steve has been running a successful business for 20 years. He has helped businesses from start-ups to large corporations to grow and succeed. For the past 15 years he has taught peak performance to business owners at the Centre for Entrepreneurship at Curtin University, where his programs are credited with creating many success stories.
Steve co-developed Simple Energy Techniques (SET), and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET) with Dr. David Lake. He also recently developed Intention-based Energy Process (IEP). You'll get to experience these techniques in this program! He is author of the Amazon bestseller 100% YES! The Energy of Success and co-author with Dr. David Lake of Enjoy Emotional Freedom, and New Energy Therapies, and co-author with Jo Weise, of Rose and the Night Monsters, a children's book on EFT.
Steve's trainings are always inspiring and filled with practical strategies you can use immediately to get better results - with less stress!
What other people say about Steve Wells and his programs:
“A big thank you for the best course I've been on in years. There were so many aha moments, I'm still stunned. So many pieces fell into place, it was amazing ..."
--- Jaqui Crooks, EFT Master, London, UK
"Excellent. Opened my mind to the use of EFT as a means of clearing barriers to performance ... Steve's an exceptional communicator and his provocative style is both humorous and challenging."
--- Joe Nathan Lourdes, Director, Hypnosis Works Pty Ltd, Singapore
“Since Steve Wells came on board, our company has consistently exceeded our performance targets.”
--- Alan Thomas, Managing Director, Hayes Knight (WA)
"Steve Wells’ program gets to the roots of behavioural change and uses some of the most effective tools available today to bring about rapid and lasting change."
--- Human Resources Magazine Australia
“Fantastic! I have attended many workshops over the years, but none provided me with the proper tools to overcome my thinking habits like your workshop enabled me to. The combination of your strategies and use of EFT/SET had a profound effect on the way I now think about goal setting, planning & my issues relating to money.”
--- Ed Keay-Smith, Business Owner, Adwords Marketing
“After spending a day at one of Steve's seminars the switch in my brain turned on. From that day forward I have never lost focus on my journey towards excellence."
--- David Henderson, General Manager, Welltech Water Management (Took his business to $20 million per year turnover, heading for $30 million)
"Working with Steve Wells helped me to increase my income and find a work/life balance that suits my lifestyle. I recommend his programs to anyone wanting to grow their business without losing all the fun in their lives."
--- Emma Watson, Psychologist, Bunbury, Western Australia
Program Details and Registration
Dates and Times:
The 7 x 90-minute Live Teaching and Coaching sessions will be held at 9.00am or 3.00pm Perth Western Australia time (GMT +8) on the following dates: Click on the links below to find the actual day and time in your location
NOTE: 9am calls will be afternoon or evening of the day before in USA/Canada and some other locations
For example: 9am Perth call on 4 July will be 3 July at 6pm US Pacific and 9pm US Eastern time
4 July 9.00am call 3.00pm call
11 July 9.00am call 3.00pm call
18 July 9.00am call 3.00pm call
1 August 9.00am call 3.00pm call
15 August 9.00am call 3.00pm call
29 August 9.00am call 3.00pm call
3 October 9.00am call 3.00pm call
Registration Fees
Special: First 20 places ONLY $399! First come, first served.
Early Bird: $499 (If you register before 16 June)
Full Fee: $599 (If you pay after 16 June)
Click on the button below to register securely online at the discount rate:
Cancellation policy:
No refunds are available.
Call within Australia on: 08 9271 9271
International callers: +61 8 9271 9271
Use this Contact form to contact us online
Participation in coaching calls is contingent on your taking full responsibility for your own mental, emotional and physical health. You also must acknowledge that many of the techniques used are experimental with no guaranteed outcomes for any particular user. Just because results have been positive for many others does not mean they will be for you. You further agree to consult your physician or professional therapist regarding your use of the techniques, especially if you are dealing with mental or physical health issues.
You will be responsible for connecting with the live video calls, which is easy, via internet, and having working video, microphone and speakers. Most laptops, ipads and phones have these built in. If a call doesn’t happen due to a problem on our end, another call will be scheduled at a future date at a similar time. Recordings are dependent on technology, and not guaranteed so you are recommended to attend the sessions live.