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Learn this unique process for overcoming the frustration of self-sabotage, procrastination and inertia that have been holding you back

Free yourself to positively change your life, health, finances, fitness, career, and relationships

Recordings from a 4-session live online program presented by Steve Wells

Access from the comfort of your home from anywhere in the world

  • Do you feel like you are standing in the way of your own success?

  • Are you holding back on doing things you know will improve your life, health, fitness, finances?

  • Engaging in self-destructive habits, time-wasting, energy-sapping pursuits?

i.e Are you not doing what you "should" do, doing  what you "shouldn't" do, and beating yourself up about it?

This program will teach you some new powerful tools and processes for turning this around.

What You'll Learn:

In this unique 4-part program you'll learn  Intention Tapping and how to use it to:

  • Uncover the real cause of your self-sabotage and how you can be free from it

  • Get clear on what you really want behind what you think you want -  and free yourself to have it

  • Overcome any fear and negative emotions "attached" to your success vision

  • Identify and overcome limiting beliefs that have held you back

  • Access your inner resources and energy for positive change

  • Get your values, goals, intentions and actions aligned!

What is IEP / Intention Tapping?

Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) is a new emotional healing process developed by Steve Wells that uses specific intentions to target the emotional attachments and body energy disturbances behind problems. These intentions engage the power of the unconscious mind to bring about impressive emotional, energetic and cognitive shifts. Intention Tapping combines IEP’s intentions with acupoint tapping for rapid and lasting relief.

This gentle and natural process often creates rapid positive shifts in how you think and feel which are surprising and enduring.

“I was knocked out by how fast and versatile these processes are for shifting stuck and hard to work with difficulties… It’s fast, it’s simple and it allows your unconscious mind to do most of the work.”
– Andy Hunt, EFTi Trainer, NLP Trainer, Practical Wellbeing, UK

How the program will work

In these recordings from 4 x 60 minute live online video teaching and coaching sessions conducted with 2 separate groups, Steve Wells shows you how to use Intention Tapping to replace your self-sabotage with self-assurance.

In each session Steve presents some key ideas and techniques, gives you some exercises to experience the techniques, answers questions, and demonstrate the techniques with volunteers.

You'll be able to gain “borrowed benefits” from tapping along with others.

You'll get the recordings from both groups (8 hours in all) to review as often as you like.

Who is Steve Wells?

Steve Wells is an internationally respected leadership coach and peak performance consultant from Perth, Western Australia. He regularly consults and presents  worldwide and has helped thousands of people through his unique development programs.

Steve has been teaching and researching Energy  Techniques for the past 22 years. He is co-creator (with Dr. David Lake) of Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET) and recently developed IEP / Intention Tapping.

Steve is author of 100% YES! and co-author of 5 other books, including Enjoy Emotional Freedom, and New Energy Therapies. Steve’s programs are inspiring and filled with practical techniques you can use immediately to get better results – with less stress!

How to Purchase:

You will get:

Online access to the full Overcome Self-Sabotage with Intention Tapping program of 4 x 1-hour video recordings
Bonus: Get the recordings from two groups, 8 hours in all! See more coaching sessions showing you how to apply Intention Tapping. Download the videos to review when you like.

Regular Fee: $299

Use the button below to purchase securely and gain instant access.



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No refunds are available for this program

Important: This is an education program that is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Your participation in the program is contingent on your taking full responsibility for your own mental, emotional and physical health. You also acknowledge that some of the techniques Steve will be using and demonstrating in the course are still considered experimental with no guaranteed outcomes for any particular user. Just because results have been positive for many others does not mean they will be for you. You further agree to consult your physician or professional therapist regarding your use of the techniques, especially if you are dealing with mental or physical health issues. This program is designed to help you achieve your goals and is not designed to treat severe or complex trauma, if you are dealing with these issues you should consult a mental health professional.