New groups commencing in January 2024!
Break out of the box of mechanical tapping approaches and access your potential as an emotional Healing Source!
This exclusive online supervision, mentoring, and skill development group with Steve Wells is an opportunity for uncommon energy practitioners to:
Learn and practice advanced energy coaching techniques in a supportive setting;
Gain support, ideas, and new strategies to improve your results;
Develop and master advanced energy practitioner skills;
Become the best energy practitioner you can be
Each group, limited to 14 energy practitioners, will meet every 3-4 weeks via zoom video conference.
Steve Wells is co-creator of Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET), and creator of Intention-based Energy Process (IEP).
What we will do:
Access Supervision, Mentoring and Advice to Enhance Your Practice:
You'll have an opportunity to present your cases (especially difficult ones), get ideas to improve your results, gain supervision and mentoring to improve your practice, and energy coaching on your own issues which may be preventing you from working with certain clients / issues.
Learn Advanced Techniques to Leverage and Accelerate Your Results with Clients:
Apart from supervision and mentoring, Steve will demonstrate some advanced techniques and applications of: SET tapping, Intention Tapping / Intention-based Energy Process, Provocative Energy Techniques (PET), paradox, and Advanced Energy Methods (AEM), among others.
As this group is about developing your skills, you will be expected to come to the group with your practice issues, challenges and development goals.
There will also be scope for group members to arrange practice sessions and swaps with each other to practice various new patterns and techniques.
Go Beyond Techniques and Learn to Use Yourself AS a Healing Source:
The ultimate aim of the program is to help you go way beyond techniques to embracing acceptance, heart connection, being fully present, working in the here and now, trusting your intuition, adapting to different clients, working with resistance rather than against it, and helping people to succeed by being who they are.
This means "developing a new approach for every client" as taught by Milton H. Erickson. Connecting with clients where they are, and using their resources to help them to succeed.
Also: Developing your intuition. And the biggie: Using your heart to assist the healing. Working light-heartedly, and open-heartedly. Developing your courage to meet people where they are and lead them out.

Gain Credit Towards Certification if you so desire:
These groups will also provide credit towards the supervision components of Intention Tapping Practitioner Certification and PET Certification if you wish to pursue this. Each person seeking certification credit should discuss their personal circumstances with Steve Wells at the beginning of the program.
Who is this for?
This is for uncommon practitioners who like to work (or want to learn to work) flexibly, without set formulas, rather than following a mechanical approach. It's also for those who work warm-heartedly. If you value flexibility, acceptance, strong connection, and humour this could be for you. It is also for those who want to learn more about using SET, IEP, and PET to help your clients.
I need to add something here about willingness to work with the dark side. As a practitioner it is tempting to get hooked in to the pressure to "be positive". However, this won't help most clients, and can make things worse, triggering resistance and driving the problem underground. So you need to develop the courage to go wherever you are needed in the service of the client.
The groups are open to those who already know tapping and you must be working as a practitioner or well on the way to doing so, so it is not for beginners. As we will be using some provocative and paradoxical methods, it will help if you know at least a bit about what they are, to be sure the approach fits for you, since Steve will be using a lot of this approach during the program. For example, see more on PET here and here, and see this webinar on PET. If you like what you see and it resonates with you, please feel free to sign up!
If you are unsure if you qualify please contact us.
Who is this NOT for?
Anyone who does not have a sense of humour. Anyone who is concerned by politically incorrect language or adult themes, since PET deliberately uses and exaggerates stereotypes and stuck thinking patterns to get you thinking and feeling in new ways.
How will it work?
We'll meet via zoom video conference for 90-minute sessions each 3-4 weeks. With zoom you will be able to see and relate to all the other members, just like in a live workshop. You can connect from anywhere in the world using desktop, tablet, or mobile and will need a working internet connection, microphone and webcam. You will get the recordings of each session to review (technology willing).
Here's what a zoom group video coaching session looks like:
BONUS: All recorded calls will be made available to BOTH groups.
Group Commitment:
For the group to develop a strong connection and trust, along with the capacity to support each other quite deeply, I ask you to commit up-front to the entire program.
You must maintain confidentiality when discussing your clients and those of others, and material shared by group members.
Recordings will be available for private use only for those in the supervision and mentoring program. You must agree not to share the recordings with anyone outside these groups.
When will it be held?
The dates for the next round of the group are below, with two time options to suit different time zones.
Group 1:
Group 1: 9am Perth West Australia time (GMT + 8). This group time is not being offered in the next round. If you would like to express your interest in a future group at this time, please use this contact form
Group 2:
Click on the dates below to find the day and time of each call in your own time zone*
Group 2: 4pm Perth West Australia time (GMT+8) on 18 January, 8 February, 7 March, 28 March, 18 April, 9 May, 6 June 2024.
Register for a Group
NOTE: We are currently only taking registrations from returning group members. Occasionally places open up when members leave the group. Please contact us using this contact form if you would like to join a waiting list.
To Register in Group 2 Securely in Australian Dollars:
AUD$399 for all 7 x 90-minute sessions: Click here to register for $399
OR: 4 x monthly installments of AUD$110 (Total AUD$440): Click here to register in Group 2 via monthly payments
To Register in Group 2 Securely in US Dollars:
US$289 for all 7 x 90-minute sessions: Click here to register for US$289
OR: 4 x monthly installments of US$79 (Total US$316): Click here to register in Group 2 via US$ monthly pay
Maximum 14 in each group, first come first served.
Once the group limit is reached there will only be availability if/when we offer places again in 4-6 months time (existing members will have priority).
No refunds are available, for any reason.
Enquiries and Phone Orders:
Call within Australia: 08 9271 9271
International Callers: +61 8 9271 9271
Email: Use this contact form
Additional Information:
You will be responsible for connecting with the calls, and having internet connection, working video, microphone and speakers. If a call doesn't happen due to a problem on our end, another call will be scheduled on similar day of week and time and you will be advised.
Recordings will only be provided technology willing and thus are not guaranteed so you are highly recommended to attend the sessions live.