Self-Acceptance: Change Your Life in just 30 Days!
Free yourself from the prison of judgment, self-blame and self-sabotage
If you’ve ever felt “Not good enough”, if you have negative beliefs, traits, or habits you don’t like, if you find it hard to accept your light, this program could change your life.
From Steve Wells: Some years ago I embarked on a 30-day self-acceptance trial I decided for 30 days to target my own lack of self-acceptance and apply tapping to accepting myself no matter what. What happened next blew me away.
I wish I could describe to you the joyful feelings I had from my own personal breakthroughs and how that continues to impact on my life.
Now it’s your turn!
After years of sharing my insights and techniques in workshops and with clients, I’ve designed this program to help you to experience the joy of self-acceptance.
What is it?
This program includes recordings from 4 live teleclasses, 30 days of email support, 4 audio files, feature articles and more!
This is a full 30-day support and immersion program that will give you real strategies and steps to free yourself and others from the prison of judgment, self-blame and self-sabotage – and help you find the formula for lasting inner-peace.
The program consists of a total of 6 hours of audio recordings, special feature articles, and a full 30 days of daily support delivered to your Inbox in the form of practical tips, inspiration, suggestions and strategies to support your self-acceptance journey.
Here are the full details of all the items in the 30 Days to Self-Acceptance program:
1. Recordings of 4 x 1-hour Teleclasses (Value $99 )
In these recordings from 4 live teleclasses conducted earlier this year, I teach you how to apply Simple Energy Techniques (SET), EFT, and other Energy Methods to release your attachment to self-criticism, blame, and negative identities, to experience inner peace and the transformative power of true self-acceptance.
I demonstrate through working with the participants on their self-acceptance issues how you can apply these powerful energy techniques to release your attachment to self-criticism and blame, overcome negative beliefs, overcome your inner blocks to acceptance, and open up to more joy and happiness in your life.
2. A Full 30 Days of Self-Acceptance Tips, Inspiration and Strategies (Value $99 )
You will receive a daily inspiring message from me which will be delivered to your Inbox every day for 30 days with practical and proven tips, supportive ideas, encouragement and strategies for using Energy Techniques to enhance your self-acceptance.
You’ll learn how self-acceptance can be both a pathway to personal peace and a gateway to discover your hidden strengths and access your power and energy for change. You’ll be astounded how much inner energy these processes can unleash and how new possibilities start to open up in your life.
And there’s more…
3. Finding the Gifts in Your Shadow Audio Series (Value $37)
You will also receive a copy of my 4-part audio series Find the Gifts in Your Shadow mp3’s to download immediately.
In this series, conducted with Jessica Ortner (from the Tapping Solution and Tapping Insiders Club), I’ll lead you through the steps on how to use tapping to break free of unconscious negative beliefs which are preventing you from being happy being who you are.
This pack also includes bonus pdfs on treating your “biggest problem” and my powerful Polarity Integration Process which will help you to resolve internal conflicts and parts of you that are pulling you in different directions.
When combined with the coaching and daily support messages, this is the ultimate program for self-acceptance.
Total value of all 3 components separately: $235 !!
Product Reviews
Such a good program!
Posted by Susan Parente on 23rd Dec 2016
This program is well worth the money! Steve Wells definitely delivers more than expected. The 30 days worth of emails are so good. Steve really provides a wealth of tapping procedures in this one program. So grateful!
Wonderful Program
Posted by Connie on 2nd May 2016
This program has really gotten me into motion. So many of the ideas in it are contrary to my deeply-held beliefs and habits that I am doing it again and learning more. I have always loved Steve Wells’ work.
Pointing the Way to Doing Your Own Self-Acceptance
Posted by Lillian on 2nd Jan 2014
This SET programs puts you in the driver’s seat to becoming aware of your own limitations and self-sabotage. (You may be amazed!) Next, it points the way to accepting the previously unacceptable and easing your way into feeling good about yourself and knowing that you, all by yourself, can handle any block that comes up in the future. How does it get any better!!!
WOW Self-Acceptance Program is Outstanding!
Posted by Christofer Aven on 1st Jan 2014
I’ve followed Steve Wells’ career in tapping for many years. I’ve always been very impressed with how he’s so good at getting to the heart of what’s really bothering folks and helping them clear it.
Well, this program is no exception. It’s just plain outstanding!
The timing was perfect as I’ve been dealing with some heavy duty self-acceptance or rather non-self-acceptance issues. Steve’s teleclasses and daily emails have been right on the mark. In fact, on two of the classes the issue was exactly the very one I’m dealing with.
So run don’t walk to get this program and then use it to the fullest. You’ll be very glad you did.
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