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Books on SET/EFT and Related Techniques

Ball, Ron (Compiler), Freedom at Your Fingertips, Inroads Publishing, 2006

Callahan, Roger J., Five Minute Phobia Cure, Enterprise, 1985

Callahan, Roger J., and Joanne Callahan, Stop the Nightmares of Trauma: Thought Field Therapy, The Power Therapy for the 21st Century, 2000. Order

Callahan, R J., Thought Field Therapy and Trauma: Treatment and Theory, 1996

Callahan, Roger J., Why Do I Eat When I’m Not Hungry?, Doubleday, 1991

Feinstein, David, Eden, Donna, and Craig, Gary, The Promise of Energy Psychology, Tarcher, 2005. (Re-released 2006 as The Healing Power of Energy Psychology)

Feinstein, David, Gallo, Fred, Eden, Donna, and Craig, Gary, Energy Psychology Interactive: Rapid Interventions for Lasting Change (Book and CD-ROM, Version 4), Innersource, 2004

Flint, Garry A., Emotional Freedom: Techniques for Dealing with Psychological, Emotional and Physical Distress, 1999

Gallo, Fred, Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods, Norton Professional Books, 2000

Gallo, Fred, Energy Psychology: Explorations at the Interface of Energy, Cognition, Behavior and Health, CRC Press, 1999, 2nd edition 2004

Gallo, Fred, Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy, W. W. Norton, 200

Gallo, Fred and Harry Vincenzi, Energy Tapping: How to Rapidly Eliminate Anxiety, Depression, Cravings, and More Using Energy Psychology, New Harbinger

Gallo, Fred and Mark Evan Furman, The Neurophysics of Human Behavior: Explorations at the Interface of Brain, Mind, Behavior and Information, CRC Press

Gordon, Marilyn, Energy Therapy: Tapping The Next Dimension in Healing, WiseWord Publishing, 1998. Available through

Gordon, Marilyn, The New Manual for Transformational Healing with Hypnotherapy and Energy Therapy, WiseWord Publishing, 1999. Available through

Hartmann-Kent, Silvia, Adventures in EFT, DH Publications, October 1999

Lake, David She’ll Be Right Relationships Manual, 2002

Lake, David and Wells, Steve New Energy Therapies: Rapid Change Techniques for Emotional Healing, A Manual for Helpers (Second Edition), 2003.

Look, Carol, Attracting Abundance with EFT, Authorhouse, 2005

Mountrose, Jane, Mountrose, Phillip, Getting Through to Your Emotions with EFT, Holistic Communications, 2000

Mountrose, Jane, and Mountrose, Phillip, The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond (With contributions from 11 EFT Experts, including Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake), Holistic Communications, 2006

Wells, Steve and Lake, David, Enjoy Emotional Freedom – Simple techniques for living life to the full, 2010

Wiese, Jo and Wells, Steve, Rose and the Night Monsters, 2004

Zimmerman, Katherine, Breakthrough: The Emotional Freedom Techniques, available through

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