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Enjoy Emotional Freedom Book Launched

Enjoy Emotional Freedom, an exciting new book by Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake, was officially launched on Saturday 23rd April at a packed house book launch held at the Bodhi Tree in Mt Hawthorn, Perth. At the launch, co-author Steve Wells presented a demonstration of Simple Energy Techniques (SET), the unique body-energy approach he developed together with co-author Dr. David Lake, and which is outlined in the authors' new book. Steve was kept busy answering questions on  SET from the 60-strong audience, and  signing copies of the new book (see pictures below).

Enjoy Emotional Freedom
is an exciting book about a big subject. It represents the fruit of a decade of experimentation and innovation in the field of energy psychology by two of the most enthusiastic and original contributors. In a nutshell the techniques taught in this book allow you to ‘tune’ and ‘tone’ your body’s energy system for the immediate benefit of relaxation and a reduction of the body’s stress responses.

Enjoy Emotional Freedom teaches the reader two very easy to learn body-energy techniques which can help you to gain control over your negative feelings. The two techniques outlined in the book are Emotional Freedom Techniques (SET), developed by Gary Craig, and Simple Energy Techniques (SET), developed by the authors. These techniques are based on manipulating the body's meridian system (the basis of acupressure and acupuncture); they're simple, easy to learn, and most importantly, they work!

Many rave reviews have already been received about Enjoy Emotional Freedom from leading figures in the Energy Psychology field, and these can be read on the author's website at:

An excellent review of this exciting new  book can also be seen at:

Enjoy Emotional Freedom is published by Exisle Publishing, and can be purchased from bookstores throughout Australia and New Zealand.  It is also available online from:

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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