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The absolute best site for information on EFT is Gary Craig's EFT web site (

It has loads of case examples, and a free manual. The site also has listings for the various energy therapy list serve discussion groups.

Other energy therapy sites include:

  • Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapies - Non-profit organisation - site offers extensive information about Meridian and Energy Therapies including in particular EFT, TAT, and BSFF
  • Callahan's website - - offers books and instructional videotapes on TFT, from which EFT evolved
  • Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods (Fred Gallo) - - Books and instructional information on Energy Psychology
  • EFT and Energy Psychology Workshops and Teleclasses - - listings of workshops in Energy Psychology techniques such as EFT, SET, PET, TAT, TFT, EDxTM and more
  • Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) - - offers instructional audio and videotapes

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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