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Steve WellsBy Steve Wells

I remember someone writing to me back in 2007 when I had arranged to bring Carol Look to Australia for a joint workshop we ran on tapping into success and abundance. The message was: "I can't make it to this year's workshop but I'll definitely come next year." The assumption being of course that Carol would come back to Australia and we would repeat that workshop. Well of course that next workshop never came and that person never got to make good on their wish.

Like every opportunity that comes to us in life, the time is now.

In a few days time we will visit with our mentor Frank Farrelly who I've mentioned is terminally ill. This is to be our "last hurrah". I remember back to when I first met Frank in a workshop in Perth way back in 1986, and I was absolutely blown away by his Provocative Therapy. Being in the audience was quite something but it was nothing compared to when I ventured out the front of the room to have a live session with Frank. In that moment all of my intellectual rationalisations dissolved as I felt the love, warmth and acceptance of being in his presence. And the humour and audacious provocation broke through the walls of my limiting beliefs. I was immediately infected with the "provocative virus" and from that moment on I couldn't get enough of it.

Over the years since then I gathered plenty of video recordings of Frank working with people in his workshops. But we implored everyone who would listen to come and see and experience this "living legend" while he was alive. Well now, for those of you who haven't seen Frank, it is too late. You'll have to make do with the video recordings which survive the transfer to DVD from good old VCR. They are of course fantastic, despite being single camera and low definition. But nothing beats live presence, being in the room with the master himself. That's why, even though we have skype, we're going to travel around the world once more to sit at the feet of the master for one more time.

This morning I was informed that the Sydney Growth Summit which was to be in September has had to be cancelled due to low numbers. What a shame that not enough people were willing to commit to what looked like an excellent program. As I said in my email to the organisers, I do know that a lot of people are holding back on making commitments these days due to fear (the very thing that coming to an event like this can help you with).

You cannot defeat fear by avoiding action. As I said to one of my clients today, the only true freedom in life is the internal freedom of knowing you can do and have what you want. And the only true security is the internal security of knowing that you can handle whatever comes. That security cannot be gained by staying at home and avoiding risk.

As Helen Keller said:

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."

Some years ago when I was working with teenagers, my co-facilitator Greg Murray loved to use the following quote:

"Your situation in life will not change if you do nothing about it!"

And just last night I was flicking through a book looking for something and out slipped a piece of paper with this quote from Michael Landon Jr:

"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows."

Whatever it is you have within you to do, do it now.

There are opportunities and they are here now. Listen to your heart and if you feel deep inside that this step is right for you, you have to take it.

Here are some of the opportunities we have coming up:

In Australia:

The First Australian EFT and Innovative Energy Techniques Masterclass in Melbourne IS going ahead, and I hope those of you who are Aussies or New Zealanders will say yes to the opportunity that represents to come out and see 8 brilliant presenters for the first time even in Australia coming together to teach a range of new and innovative approaches to EFT, tapping, and other powerful Energy Techniques:

In Sydney in September we'll present Accelerated Emotional HealingZ, the only remaining opportunity in Australia this year to get an in-depth training in Advanced Energy Methods and Provocative Energy Techniques. If you want to learn these powerful techniques this is your chance:


Dr David Lake and I ARE coming to the USA for the first time in 4 years and I hope you'll say yes to the opportunity to visit with us and catch up with our latest techniques for shifting stuck states and treating core issues. There are just a few more days to take advantage of this unique opportunity and be the first to learn techniques never before taught in the USA:

Seattle Emotional Shift Workshop:

Los Angeles Tap into Success Workshop:

In Europe:

In Stuttgart in November we'll teach SET for stress-relief and PET for preventing and treating Burnout. Will you stop working long enough to attend and find out how to experience the real freedom you are seeking?

In Paris in November is our first ever workshop in France. Remember: The first time is always memorable and special and it only happens once. You'll learn to use Simple Energy Techniques (SET), Advanced Energy Methods (AEM) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET) to dramatically increase your effectiveness and results.

Go for it!

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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