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Overcoming Overthinking with Intention Tapping: Swedish EFT Masterclass

In this interview with Irene Ödmark-Hall for the Scandinavian Tapping Summit, Steve Wells outlines how his new Intention-based Energy Process (IEP), also called Intention Tapping, can be used to overcome overthinking. He demonstrates IEP in a short coaching session with Irene - You can read about Irene's stunning results and the results achieved by one of her students after watching and tapping along with this session  - Their accounts are included below the video.

Irene's story of how this session helped her:

"For the first time ever I felt the world is full of plenty and riches for me too."

The story I wanted to tell you was this: That after the IEP session, the energy around me not being able to sleep because of hunger changed. I felt more relaxed about the whole thing. I stopped worrying about what to do during the Movement Medicine workshop, didn't lie awake thinking about it.

So there was a shift from fear to "a problem that had to be solved". The actual sleep problem didn't go away though, if I hadn't eaten enough during the day I'd wake up in the middle of the night with the adrenaline pumping and me wide awake until I had eaten something.

So come dancing workshop. Resourcefully I stocked up on bananas, peanut butter and dark rye bread - just to be on the safe side :-). I was 90% sure I wouldn't fast anyway...

But somehow I couldn't resist the challenge. I decided to go without food for 72 hours while dancing, out of curiosity. I've never fasted before. If you've grown up with a mother who almost died from lack of food you don't starve yourself just like that! Such lack of respect!

It was surprsingly easy to go without food during the day, I guess the dance filled me with enough inner peace and feel good hormones not even to feel hunger. The first night I didn't sleep, but the two following nights I was out like a clubbed seal, despite hunger pangs and sleeping on a thin little mat on the ground.

What I wasn't prepared for however, was what happened when I broke the fast. It was early morning, I sat outside the marquee with my tiny bowl of fruit. I ate a centimeter of banana, and a grape. It was really so delicious - and it gave me the most horrendous tummy ache. And along with the pain came what felt like a bottomless sadness tinged with self pity - as well as all the stories my mother told me about what happened when the concentration camps were liberated, all these awful stories of death, starvation, sickness, pain...

So there I was, with all this pain raging through me and the sun coming up over the tree tops and black birds flying across the sky and of course I tapped and cried and tapped. And when the music started up in the marquee I stayed outside in the sun and danced and tapped. Until the tears gave way to gratitude and compassion. For the first time ever I felt the world is full of plenty and riches for me too.

It took me two hours to go through my little bowl of fruit and the last thing I ate was half a strawberry resembling a delicately drawn heart - which in my state of altered conciousness seemed absolutely amazing and full of deep meaning.

Anyway - since then I have had no problem sleeping when I'm hungry. I've lost 6 kilos (not so important, but nice to be able to do up my shoelaces without holding my breath). I notice I have a much more relaxed attitude to food - and money.

Oops - this got to be a long story. In this case the IEP session you did on me was the first step on a much longer journey. It kind of gave me the courage to go there, and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you!

Warmly, Iréne

How Irene's Friend used IEP to Overcome a Performance Issue

Last week I met a friend of mine, Els (Name changed), and she told me how your interview made a huge difference to her. She asked me to pass it on to you, her English isn't so good so she didn't want to write herself:

My friend is a violinist, and like most violinists she often suffers from the yips (if you can call it that talking about musicians) - anyway, when it is impossible to produce a long, clean note because of nervous tremor in the hand or arm. She has had this for her whole working life, about 45 years, she pops beta blockers before performances in order to
manage. She says it makes the trembling go away, but it also makes her feel a bit out of contact with the music.

She was tapping along to the demo you did on me, on her own fear before a concert the following day, when she was going to play an exceptionally taxing piece of music; a renaissance piece which requires you to feel completely grounded. She was going to sit in the soloist place, in front of the orchestra together with an Australian gamba player. And of course it is impossible to tap during the performance...

Anyway, she tapped along with the interview and just loved IEP, how it invited her to see her thoughts and fears and let them go.

She said she had the best concert ever the following day. Feeling completely grounded, and really light and comfortable at the same time.

So a big thank you from my friend Els

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