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Self-Acceptance Webinar Recordings

In these recordings from live Self-Acceptance webinars, Steve Wells shares how you can use SET tapping and his new Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) to:

  • free yourself from the prison of judgement, self-criticism and blame,
  • release your emotional attachments to the negative belief of being "Not good enough"; and
  • gain more peace, personal power, and joy for living.

Learn how self-acceptance is an essential step to changing your life and how you can use these powerful techniques to free up a great deal of energy for living life to the full.

Note: The content of these recordings is almost identical, as Steve conducted them at different times to suit participants in different parts of the world

Here is the recording for the 9am Perth time webinar:

Exclusive Offer on Self-Acceptance Coaching & 30 Days to Self-Acceptance Program: Find out more

Here is the recording for the 4pm Perth time repeat webinar:


Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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