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Sharon Overcomes the Fear of Being Seen

Today I want to give you a real gift. It is an inspiring and touching video of Sharon. Before you watch it, a bit of background is essential...

Sharon was a participant in our SET and PET workshops, and over the years we've seen her make some incredible shifts and life changes. Recently, she launched her new business and encountered a massive fear of putting herself out there publicly, stemming mainly from a severely abusive childhood. So she  joined my webinar series on overcoming public speaking anxiety, making some great shifts in her fear using SET and Intention-based Energy Process (IEP). I then invited her to do a short public presentation at my Sydney workshop, with the added challenge of being filmed. Well what she presented knocked our socks off. It was funny, poignant, inspiring and educational. A true triumph.

Now you have the privilege of seeing that talk. Bear in mind that this is Sharon's first real public presentation. Watch it then please add your comments below: You will need to turn up your sound!

A warning that if you have experienced abuse or domestic violence you should tap during this video and/or consult your therapist before watching.

Postscript: Sharon has now set herself the goal of presenting a TED talk. I want to help facilitate that because she is a great talent who is destined to do great things and help a lot of people.  I've often said that Sharon could be Australia's next top comedienne. I know if she chooses to go that way she will help a lot of people through humour. I guess that is what attracted her to us, and to PET, in the first place.

Sharon Mullan is an Advanced Energy Practitioner and works as a stress and trauma therapist in Lismore, NSW. You can contact her at: talktome [at]

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