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Helping Kids to Overcome Anxiety

We can help children be and feel their best by teaching them how to
overcome anxiety using powerful energy tools, such as Simple Energy
Techniques (SET) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). In this
interview with host Jondi Whitis, Steve shows us how to apply these
tools to overcome the anxieties kids face. You’ll learn how to use
Simple Energy Techniques (SET), developed by Steve & Dr. David Lake,
to help your child to overcome worries and fears about night time,
social anxiety, upsets at school, performance anxiety, and more!

Teaching your child a few simple strategies can empower them for life.

Let's empower kids to overcome anxiety by teaching them these simple tools for self-calming
and building their emotional resilience. Once you've listened to this recording consider
coming to a workshop to learn how you can empower your kids with these techniques.

Listen to internet radio with EFT Radio on Blog Talk Radio
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Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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