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Video Coaching: Intention Tapping for Low Energy & Motivation due to Covid 19

This is a recording of a live group coaching session conducted by Steve Wells as he teaches and demonstrates with volunteers how to use his unique Intention Tapping process to overcome low energy and motivation associated with the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Steve has also written an article on Intention Tapping for Covid-19 anxiety.

You can access that here

Special Offers: 

To help as many people gain relief from anxiety and stress, and overcome inner blocks to taking action, Steve is making available the following two programs at a special "pay what you choose rate":

Overcome Self-Sabotage with Intention Tapping
Learn this unique process for overcoming the frustration of self-sabotage, procrastination and inertia in these recordings from a 4-session live online program, normally $299, now available at a "choose what you pay" rate. Find more here

Overcome Anxiety with Intention Tapping
Learn more about Intention Tapping and how to use it to relieve your anxiety, Steve Wells is offering his 4-part Overcome Anxiety with Intention Tapping valued at $299 for a “choose what you pay” option in order to help as many people as possible to gain relief from their anxiety at this time. Find out more here

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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