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100% YES! Group Coaching Recordings

These recordings of two 100% YES! Group Coaching Sessions by Steve Wells show you how to use SET tapping and Intention Tapping (aka Intention-based Energy Process, IEP) to release the fears and other emotional attachments that have been holding you back so you can be free to make the changes and achieve the goals you desire.

Each 90-minute session has roughly the same content however the coaching demonstrations are unique so you may wish to watch both in order to learn more about using these powerful techniques.

Group 1:
Group 2:

Join the 100% YES! Group Coaching Program

The 100% YES! Group Coaching Program will help you to succeed on your goals in life, health, finances, business / career, weight, fitness, and relationships using the power of tapping and energy intentions.

Join from the comfort of your home from anywhere in the world  Find out more

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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