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Achieve Your MAD Business Vision Webinar Recordings

Here are the recordings from Steve Wells's free Webinars on how to achieve your business vision to Make A Difference, by using tapping and Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) to overcome your emotional blocks combined with solid business success strategies.

While the content is repeated Steve works with a different coaching volunteer in each webinar- Watch how he uses the same process in different ways to help each volunteer to release emotional blocks and find clarity and confidence moving forward.

Webinar # 1:

Webinar # 2:

Want more support to grow your business to really make a difference?

MAD Business Breakthrough is the online version of Steve Wells' highly successful workshop that combines the power of tapping and energy intentions with proven business growth strategies.

Work with Steve Wells live in 7 x 90-minute powerful and content-rich teaching and coaching sessions that will cover every area of business success and help you to master the essentials.

What's different about this program is that it doesn't just give you information, it will also give you the tools to create emotional shifts so that you feel more open to acting on the information, and taking action becomes easier.

No matter where you are in your business, this program will help you take it to the next level.

Register now and save $200 on the fee!

Find out more here

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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