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How I found the key to end self-sabotage

By Steve Wells

It's strange that sometimes life's darker moments are what we need to prompt us to get back on track, as it was during a recent down period that I made an amazing discovery.

On holidays yet housebound with a painful heel spur, I started experimenting with some techniques for shifting my frustrations and stuck behaviours. One day I had an incredible insight that led me to search in an entirely new direction. I started combining certain specific intentions with tapping and suddenly my results just took off! I had inadvertently discovered some new techniques that worked!

The changes I've been able to make since have been amazing!

I was able to get a book written in weeks that I'd been procrastinating on for nearly 10 years (just finished the manuscript last week!), take action on work projects I'd resisted for months, exercise consistently, help my son Callum improve his reading, overcome several bad habits, and, more importantly, feel better about myself.

I'm now back in touch with my major purpose and feeling energised and alive again. What's more, this discovery is the missing piece to the puzzle that completes a life-changing process I started working on over 10 years ago.

That process was 100% YES!® which I designed to empower people to align with their values and take action on living their dreams without being held back by fear.

With 100% YES!® I helped a lot of people all over the world to get incredible results: Like Jane, a working mum who found the confidence to graduate from university and build a new career as a therapist; Kelly, an athlete who bounced back from a prolonged slump after injury to perform at her peak and represent her country; Dean, who was freed up to fulfill his lifelong dream to travel around the world; Fiona, who stood up to a workplace bully and became a valued senior leader in her firm; James, who took his business to heights he couldn't have imagined before; and many more.

However, for some reason I couldn't put my fingers on, a few years back things went cool. I stopped running the 100% YES!® workshops, and my book writing stalled. I was, to put it the way I explained it to a friend at the time, "About 80% yes on 100% YES!" But now, after discovering and applying these new intention-based techniques to release my own blocks and reset my inner compass, I've become so switched on I can hardly contain my excitement! 100% YES!® is exactly right. It's that feeling you have when you know that you are doing exactly what you are here to do.

I had to find that missing piece and free up my own energy to be able to now share this with you.

I'm now calling this the Intention-based Energy Process (IEP), as it uses deliberate and definite intentions to release what's been holding you back, restore your energy flow, which brings balance and clarity, and access your inner resources for change.

I've been using these new techniques with some of my coaching clients and so far everyone I've used them with has been empowered to feel better and take new actions. (Ok, I know nothing works for everyone but I'm curious to find where the limits of this really are!). I used them with my wife Louise to help her overcome a block in her art, empower her to follow her own muse, and meet an important deadline. As a colleague said when he tried this out, The results are palpable.

I'm so excited to now incorporate these new techniques into an even better and more complete 100% YES! 2.0 process for creating deep level changes that last. I'm calling it The Action Empowerment Process™, and it does exactly what it says on the box: Empowers you to take action to achieve your dreams.

This is a comprehensive process for releasing your emotional and belief blocks, aligning your core values, and setting and achieving goals that really matter. And it uses these new techniques to empower you to get there.

I'm going to be teaching this in all my coming workshops,and online courses. I can't encourage you enough though to come learn this process live. It could change your life, as it has mine!

You'll find the details of all coming workshops and online courses here

Isn't everyone's biggest challenge being able to take consistent action towards our goals? So many of our decisions to change only last short term. This new process will empower you to make deep level changes that last by releasing your unconscious beliefs, aligning your core values, and engaging your intention to go beyond "just doing it", to, keep on doing it and make your life great. I hope you'll join me!

I look forward to helping you find the key to unlock the wealth that lies waiting within.


Steve Wells

* 100% YES!® is our registered trademark

Want to learn more?

To find out about training in tapping and energy techniques click here

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